Saturday, October 09, 2004

the third world.

I woke up this morning with a brown recluse in my bed. If I find out later that it bit my wang, and the thing gets all necrotic and falls off, I'm going to kill you and your fucking dog and take four shits and then die myself.

Wednesday, October 06, 2004

further proof

Pure, Unadulterated FunkJazzFaux (7:25:23 PM): what am i reading
JazzFaux (7:25:34 PM): ahha wow
butiwasntover (7:26:05 PM): haha
butiwasntover (7:26:15 PM): a blog i started
butiwasntover (7:26:20 PM): to call you a bitch
JazzFaux (7:26:23 PM): i'm gonna blog you in the ass dude
butiwasntover (7:26:27 PM): haha
butiwasntover (7:26:33 PM): blog molly while youre at it
JazzFaux (7:26:54 PM): i've been blogging molly for quite some time now
butiwasntover (7:27:03 PM): hold on, my toilets blogged
butiwasntover (7:27:07 PM): ill be back
JazzFaux (7:27:12 PM): hold on, i have to put on my bloggles
butiwasntover (7:27:36 PM): want some egg blog?
butiwasntover (7:27:45 PM): tis the season for bloggin your noggin
JazzFaux (7:28:53 PM): i'm glad we had this conversation
butiwasntover (7:29:16 PM): im putting it on my blog