Thursday, February 10, 2005

Round 2

Alright the title of this post may be a tad deceiving since I'ts likely only to be realized by a line or two following the real subject.

The real subject being how I got screwed on my clown trip.

My primary purpose for living in Guatemala for as long as I have has been to learn Spanish. This is no mystery to anyone who may have known that I live here in the first place, however many people are not aware of why I would choose to live in a developing nation in Central America for so long. The truth is, I really was interested in doing this so as to be able to connect for effectivley with the young children I would be helping, for the second time, in Cuba. However I was recently informed that that trip has been modified so as to help Tsunami victims in Sri Lanka.

Which is fine.

I love western asians.

However, now I can't even do that.

The cost and distance and allaround commitment are just too much for me to bear.

I can't fucking afford it.

So now, with my entire purpose of learning Spanish having been negated, and my inability to participate in something I've been waiting for for nearly a year, I don't know what to do.

Except fucking vomit all over everything.

That brings us to the round 2 section of this entry.

I got food poisoning again. I think. It might've just been my seeing keegan shirtless and wasted at the superbowl party, though, who knows.

Regardless. I'm fine now.

And Im gonna go get some third world Burger King.

atown down motherfuckers.