Wednesday, March 30, 2005

Sunday, March 27, 2005

The one and only

Today, my subjects, is Easter. Apparently the name Easter along with that sexually ambiguous rabbit are both of pagan descent. Makes sense, primarily because i can see pagans playing the early nineties computer game sensation Descent (chapters I-III) online using Bunny as their handle.


However, rooted in pagan lore as it may be, Easter is a big deal here in Guatemala.

Not Easter necessarily, but the preceding ¨Holy Week¨ in which thousands of small brown men dressed in slightly larger purple robes carry around these huge platforms with large wooden Jesuses (Jesi)all over town, thus reaffirming the faith of this country´s citizens and pissing me off all at the same time.

Not he Jesus thing, I mean that´s cool, no disrepect, but when I´m living on a very busy street, and I just need to run to the store and get some potable water when I have an enormous hangover on a Tuesday afternoon, and I can´t open my door because some 6 year old kid parked his ice cream cart there, I just gotta say, that´s not scorin any points for Jesus.

I´m sure he doesn´t care that much though.
I wouldn´t if I was dead and gone and visually misrepresented in public effigies being carried all over a town that didn´t even exist when I was alive.

But no worries.

I have to admit it is quite brewathtaking to bear witness to these people´s faith. I went out on good friday to watch what´s supposed to be the moset grandiose of all the processions.

There were several effigies, but one in particular caught my eye. Rather than portraying our lord and savior carrying a bejewled cross (which was clearly not in the Romans´ budget on the true date in question)with three drops of blood total on his face, this one was all white, and showed Christ in a glass coffin. There are two reasons this one struck my fancy:
a)It kinda looked like Lenin´s tomb, what with the glass coffin.
and b)The coffin itself was being held up by several little white midget angels that despite their blanched complexion, bore a striking resemblence to Paul Mooney.

It´s been a stressful week, too many tourists to really be able to deal with and it´s been hot as fuck.

But that´s not important, cause I have to go on a date with a Lesbian.
