julia has opinions
I understand it's been quite some time since I've updated, so I apologize...but not to Julia because she doesn't seem to understand that genius needs time to blossom.
The reason I've left you all bereft of my insights is because I haven't had much going on...until yesterday when I was almost murdered at 10:30 am. Getting assaulted on the subway on your way to a French midterm by a married couple of drug addicts is weird. What's more weird is being stood up for by a tall, mahogany goddess in cowboy boots.
This woman just faced this guy, who was high on drugs and clearly had a weapon he kept reaching for, even though his hoodbride kept him from unsheathing it. I just kind of sat down and waited the whole thing out, which may sound cowardly, but you have to understand that this man had accused me of stepping on his Timberlands. He pointed out the smudge. When accusations like that start flying around you don't want to be on the receiving end; shit is serious times, dogg.
Also, I took the time last weekend to journey into the heart of the machine, which thereby allowed my compatriots and I to transcend time, if not necessarily space. I'm disappointed we couldn't acheive the latter, but the semester isn't yet spent.
hell of such as meow
dude needs mane
come winter break, we're getting walkie talkies. -julia
i have some already, with police scanners so we can streetrace rawstylez
i'll kill you.
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