Friday, December 07, 2007

start here, go anywhere.

On Fridays I've got about four and a half hours between classes. Sometimes I'll take naps in the cafeteria, but usually this group of kids is arguing about things so loud that sometimes the cops come to quiet them down.

The first time it happened it was Kobe vs Shaq. Two weeks later it was Kanye or Fabolous. Today it was cellular telephone providers.

Two guys were antagonizing the group, making wild claims about MyFaves and Unlimited Picture messaging packages. The loudest of the girls was compelled to disagree, citing Verizon as her preferred carrier. She went on to extol VCast, and her phone's onboard media player.

The debate piqued the interest of a passerby, who contributed to it that his nGage had served him faithfully, and that SprintSpeak was unequivocally the greatest value in mobile telephonics.

It remained relatively civil until one of the first gentlemen to spark this congress of minds seemed to waver, conceding that perhaps At&t was in fact the better deal.

Betrayed, his one time compatriot was flung into a fury, at once damning all that was dear to the man, and advising him that the next time he choose the path of deceit, may he ask for more pieces of silver so as to purchase a more baller handset than his current LG Katana.

An unintelligible furor consumed to cafeteria, and in the fracas a casualty was made of a wayward bottle of Snapple.

At once the chaos ceased, and as though the crimes of their trespass on public space had become too much to bear, they fled.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

more like zero worship